Friday, 15 April 2011

Get in!

Just had a text from Andy S to confirm that it was a Garden Warbler that I heard in sub-song this morning and that he has also seen the Firecrest bathing in the pond at the Gatehouse this evening. A description species - but I shall go and write it up for Messrs Bashford & Blain right now. I love notebooks.



  1. Description species?! Surely not. This is one of our handful of near-definites still to add to the list (+ Swift, Hobby, Cuckoo I think, and I would say Lesser Whitethroat except Mr Moran failed to find one last year which was odd)

  2. It's true Andy. Firecrest is a description species in Bedfordshire. You have to remember that Bedfordshire is rubbish. However, it is also important to bear in mind that there are a disproportionate number of crack birders per square mile than any other county in England. A good bird has to make itself very, very elusive for it not to be found.

    If all Bedfordshire birders moved to Norfolk, we'd be finding BB rares on a daily basis. ;-)

    Mr M didn't find Lesserthroat last year? I've heard it said that these are hard to pick up at a certain age... ;-)

  3. Surely you'll get Spot Fly too? Turtle Dove? (Which we'll struggle with)...

  4. Ah - sorry, I thought you were saying Garden Warbler was a description species! I knew Beds was a bit dull, but thought it was going a bit far to write descriptions of GW!

    Spotted Fly - yes, I suppose that's pretty likely although getting less reliable. Turtle Dove used to be fine but getting much scarcer these days. It's a fairly good chance, given the coverage we're putting in, but certainly not guaranteed.

  5. To set the record straight, I didn't get Lesserthroat on/from the reserve last year (though others did) BUT I did have one in my front garden which - and here comes a big confession - borders the reserve ;)

    Spot Fly - suspect we'll have to rely on a dispersing family group at the end of the breeding season! Not OML yet...

    Turtle Dove - OML, but only just! CES / increased observer coverage might get us this one.

    Swift and Garden Warbler pretty much guaranteed grip-backs... though to quote Clint Eastwood: "If you wanna guarantee, buy a toaster."
